Monday, May 11, 2009

Story of Stuff response

What really hit home for you?
there was a lot that really hit home for me from the video, through the delivery the animation made a lot stand out. I love how the system is described as a linear system in a finite world, this obviously has to change to provide an indefinate amount of time for survival. The way we are told about our current use of resources and how a third of the planets natural resources and 80% of the original forests are GONE, lost we will never retrieve these fully was very powerful. I found the idea of the toxin we produce particually disturbing, the fact we use neurotoxins in everyday objects, or that breast milk was one of the food sources containig the most amount of toxins, i find it almost incomprehendable that we allow breastfeeding knowing we giving future generations such toxins. I also found the production of dioxin particularly interesting if its something so strong and so toxic and we produce and have the power to stop producing, why havn't we stopped yet? I think the most major thing i took from the video is the idea that as a global society we are consumers, we "value" ourselves based on how much we contribute to the consumer market, this is something so obvious but that i have not fully realised until now, you see it everywhere, i hate the idea that this is how mankind has come to "value" itself and its contribution to the world.

What do you question about the movie?
The movie really made me question the real motives of governments and corporations, i understand it is written with great bias to create this feeling within the viewer so you do have to almost throw this back to the producers of the video and see where such stigma toward the government and corporations has come from other than the extreme idea portrayed in the video. I also would like to question why the video does not touch on any of the positives to turning to consumption as a method to overcome the war, Victor le Beau obviously had such strong stance on why the world should become a nation of consumers, in a time when everywhere was in a state of recovery, reasons for this stance we are not told of.

What would you like to explore further?
The video has made me curious to learn how much overseas movement the US and other developed countries actually do, how much resources they use from developing countries and how much waste is disposed in these places, im interested to see how much countries such as the US hide the fact of what they are doing is damagaing by simply moving it just out of their own country boundaries or "out of sight" you could say. I would also be interested to look into the externalising of costs furthur, and see just how often this happens its obvious its on a very large scale but i would be interested to see the actual costs this hides. Finally i would like to look furthur into advertisement and the media, i don't understand why these powerful entities dont see what they're doing is damaging, in a money driven world its obvious but they still must be able to see the negative effects they are creating upon society.

1 comment:

  1. Bex, just to clarify. Breastfeeding is still way way better than formula! Formula will never do what breastfeeding can and contains a lot more undesirables than human milk! That was just an example of how prolific toxins are in our world. Formula is made from cows milk, if we have some (and we're talking trace, but it's there) toxins in our milk, imagine now much a cow has, when it's grass is sprayed, the often live on the roadside etc! I'm concerned that you got the idea that breastmilk was full of nasty's from the Story of Stuff - that is not the case she was making, but she obviously wasn't clear enough on that!
